Thursday, February 10, 2011


So, I know I said I was going to try and post something on here more times than I have but there really wasn't anything to report before today. I officially have an interview date!!! YAY!!! :) My interview date is set for Friday Feb 18 in Chicago. This now means that my employer will be looking for flights to Korea about a week after that. This is really exciting because it means this is finally happening but that also brings about lots of emotions. People ask me what my emotions are right now and to be honest they are all a mess. I am happy, excited, nervous, anxious, scared, sad, overjoyed, etc. You name the emotion and I'm probably feeling it. I am trying to keep a brave face in this and I think I'm doing pretty well but to be honest this is the craziest and yet most exciting thing I've ever done. I know for a fact that I could not go through with this if I didn't have a relationship with the most amazing person who has everything planned. It's when I do things like this that I wonder how in the world people can live without the hope and comfort of Christ. This process is crazy scary but I know that I have absolutely nothing to worry about because I've given it to Christ and He has my best interests at heart. I also know that I couldn't go through with this if it weren't for the support of all the amazing people in my life. Their thoughts and prayers are what help make this worth it. I love you all!!! Please keep praying and I'll keep you posted.

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